nothing is under control.
And that leads to extraordinary creation


Navigate on Trust is a transformational life practice guided by Fenja Ellen Sepers.
A way to navigate turbulent times of transition. A possibility to follow life's deepest calling.
Come home into trust and let go into life. Because the most astonishing expressions of creation appear when we deeply trust the creative power of life.


When the steady structures beneath our feet crumble, one might be terribly afraid of falling. Change or transition—whether that is inner or outer, personal or professional, social or environmental—can feel like a tumble down the rabbit hole; no safety line and nothing to hold on to.
What these cracks of the familiar ask from us is to listen to what cannot be seen, but only felt with our core. This is why Saint John of the Cross said, “If a person wishes to be sure of the road he treads on, he must close his eyes and walk in the dark.”

So what if we would apply the spirit of trust, not as a concept, but as an actuality, in life, work, relationships, and even in our larger systems?
Opening people and their (life) projects up to the spirit of trust is Fenja’s mission as a trust and transformation guide, as an art director, visionary, and consciousness thinker.
When working together, expect to apply the deep patterns of creation to inner and outer landscapes. Find moments of deep reflection. Engage in embodied meditation and the space beyond the thinking mind. Circumnavigate grief, change and loss, and the life-giving space within. Take evolutionary journeys into the past, present and future. Open ways for creative emergence and uncover purpose beyond space and time.
In one-on-one sessions, group and custom-made trajectories, Fenja takes people on a journey. Deep into their core and, from there, courageously, out into the world again.

Being guided by Fenja changed my perspective on life profoundly.
I learned to trust life more. I can see more clearly at - and beyond - our structures like society, time and the mind. This changed the way I relate to people, nature and myself. This movement took me from fear to love; from insecurity to trust. She's your person to get there.